Exploring Accessibility with Ken Nakata | Interview #3

Exploring Accessibility with Ken Nakata | Interview #3

Ken and I dive into the topic of bridging the gap that is currently happening in the accessibility space between physical environments and the digital world. Ken also provides a quick overview of Converge Accessibility’s incredible tool called WebAlign and the...
MyAI updates

MyAI updates

Summary In this conversation, Evan and Kelvin discuss their experiences using the Aira service and the new Access AI feature. They talk about how Aira has helped them in various aspects of their lives, such as navigating new environments, running a business, and even...
MyAI updates

BLT Bites: Time Management with Siri

Blind Level Tech, or BLT, is a fun new show dedicated to the use of technology for those who are blind or low-vision. We will walk you through the latest and greatest tech from Apple to Microsoft and TVs to kitchen appliances. We will even throw in some good ole dad...
MyAI updates

BLT Bites: Time Manigement with Siri

Blind Level Tech, or BLT, is a fun new show dedicated to the use of technology for those who are blind and have visual impairments. We will walk you through the latest and greatest tech from Apple to Microsoft and TVs to kitchen appliances. We will even throw in some...